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One World Projects

Cotton Barrette with 3 Flowers

Cotton Barrette with 3 Flowers

Regular price $8.95 USD
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Add some fair trade style to your hairdo with these pretty flower barrette clips. Made from hand-woven Guatemalan fabrics, these pretty hair accessories are handmade by women artisans from the UPAVIM cooperative on the outskirts of Guatemala City. UPAVIM, which stands for United for a Better Life, is an 80 member artisan enterprise helping women through social and economic empowerment. In addition to training women in creating various handmade textiles, UPAVIM has established a school, a pharmacy and a bakery within their cooperative.

  • Measure 3-3/4” high x 1-1/4” wide, with 2-1/4” clip

Handmade in Gutemala and fair trade imported.

Upavim Artisan Story


UPAVIM Crafts is a cooperative of women who live in marginalized communities on the outskirts of Guatemala City. The women in the organization are mothers, homemakers, widows and some have been abandoned by their families. Many of them are the sole bread winners for their families. Unidas Para Vivir Mejor(United for A Better Life, or UPAVIM) was established in 1989 to create jobs for these women and to establish facilities of health-care, education and other social issues to benefit the community they lived in. Over the years, UPAVIM has grown from a small community health project to about a 80 member business cooperative. The organization employs teachers, seamstresses, nurses, administrators, cooks, cleaners and secretaries each of whom is paid a fair wage and is linked to UPAVIM ‘s fair trade business.

Amongst some of the achievements, In 2002 the cooperative was awarded the best Non-traditional Textile Exporter award by AGEXPRONT, a national trade organization, also UPAVIM’s Montessori school was recognized by the Guatemalan government.


The main product line made by these women artisans includes bags, purses, wallets, aprons and holiday ornaments, most of these products are made from the traditionally woven Mayan textiles which are locally available. By procuring the traditional textiles, the organization also helps promote traditional weavers of the region and brings a local flavor and uniqueness to their products. This also cuts down the role of middlemen and creates a chain of fair wages and fair prices - from the weaver, to the seamstress, to the customer.

Apart from craft making, UPAVIM also initiated other small scale businesses which include a bakery, soy milk factory, and an internet center. The main aim was to increase the means of employment for the community members of La Esperanza, so that they can gain optimum benefits from the program.

UPA:LAJOLLA_201x297The cooperative is located in a squatter settlement called La Esperanza (Hope), where every day the communities faced various social challenges including gang violence, illiteracy, unemployment, malnutrition, alcoholism, child abuse and drug abuse. Even though the challenges for community growth in an area that receives little government attention may be high, but today after 2o odd years and initiatives by UPAVIM and the women, the conditions have changed for the better in this “City of Hope”.


About the Artisans

We work with One World Projects who in turn, works with Choma Museum and Crafts Centre Trust Ltd (CMCC), in Choma, in the center of the Southern Province of Zambia, Africa.

The crafts divisions of the CMCC are associated with about 450 crafts makers, primarily women (400) who are subsistence farmers who derive badly needed cash income from their crafts making. The CMCC seeks to promote Zambian crafts and culture by assisting in marketing, skill development and local organization of producers. The skill development is based on traditional techniques, materials, and design.

Plateau Baskets are made on the Plateau districts by Tonga women living on the highlands of the Southern Province of Zambia. The development of this basket during the past 25 years has been spectacular. It is the major single craft of the province and is exported all over the world.

Basket Weaving from Natural Fibers

Basket making is the main economic craft of the province, so domestic cultivation of the Malala Palm tree is promoted. Women are the main beneficiaries of basket-weaving income.

The traditional Tonga basket has a square woven base and a wide round rim at the top. The bottom strips or twigs extend radially into the walls of the basket and palm leaf strips are then woven into it. The pale strips may be dyed black to allow for woven patterning. Patterns are also made by variations in weaving, by leaving the dark radials exposed or by covering them. The basket is then completed by weaving in a round rim.



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